Thursday, June 16, 2011

I just recently finished my successful year of softball. Lucky Charms is my name and second base is my game. We got 5th place in the tournament ( out of 8 ,not very good)!! At least I got to play .
Okay no promises that i'm going to keep on posting.So here is the Lundell times. We got 2 weeks of summer vaca :(

I am learning how to sew from Granny Dinah,I take piano . Jett is in club baseball,plays piano ,and in 2nd grade.Roc finished foot ball and was quarter back,he LOVES wii,and graduated from kindergarden . Tate also LOVES wii,graduated from preschool,and and can draw like no other . Miley is well .... just Miley I guess.

(posted by Mace Face) peace hope love <3

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Christmas (a little late)

he always sleeps

Ok I got a very good Christmas present ....... drum roll........ A dog, a puppy!!!! I love him. His name is Scout he is adorable . Of course he pottys EVERYWHERE even ask Grandma Debbie she knows.I also got a DS I XL for those of you who don't know what that is it is a video game that is AWESOME!!!! I also got a lottttt of clothes and two designer kits.Well it has been a very good Christmas, all I know is that I am very blessed to have family.Merry late Christmas.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


last year funnn!!!
here is us, decorating tree 10'

ok ,ok I know it's been a while since I posted. But just think it's Christmas time again, and I loveeeeeee Christmas time.Not because presents, because family is together. On Christmas eve at my dad's side we go over during the day, at night mom's side ,on Christmas Grandpa Ron come and watches us open presents in the morning, and then Aunt Tracey's house and eat breakfast ,and then... dad's side then mom's!!!!! wow that was a lot, holy cow. (I'm whistling ) ha ha . So that's why I absolutely love Christmas. These are past Christmas times... (at the top) cause I don't know how to put it on the bottom!!!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

My birthday!!

It's my birthday i'm going shopping with my mom and then lunch with my dad. I invited the whole family on my mom's side to join me for dinner at Joe's Farm grill,tonight at like um.... I don't know but you can call my mom. Sooooo much fun so thanks for everything!!!!


my birthday!!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

I love it!

I'm on my dad's computer, so I don't have any pictures(sorry) but I love blogging so I might as well do it! Heidi, Lace spread the news of me blogging to all the family! Please!! Well my mom and dad are at dinner. I'm watching Miley. We are watching Little Einstiens. OHHHH, and the boys are at their friends house. Fun way to spend a Saturday night,right.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

The new and improved Lundell blog -by Macey

Yoyo!! what up? This is mace!!!! My mom quit the blogging business and I'm keeping it alive. So I need to make a couple rules here, leave a comment-you will receive (drum roll)............ nothing. You will just make a little someone happy!!!! So check the blog like every week (its a school project for journal writing).

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Girl's Play Date

I stole these pictures off my friends blog. These girls went to Activity Days and then spent the rest of the afternoon together playing pretend divas. They were all dressed up to the T so she couldn't resist asking them if they would be up for a photo shoot for fun. And that we did. Funny girls!

Meet Kelly Billion-Bucks, Yasmin Bling-Bling, and Khloe More-Bucks
"Riding a Rad Motorcycle" Shoot
Can't do without the diva headshots
Had to get a shot of all them wearing their shoe closet finds. They'll be borrowing my shoes in no time.

The joys of being 9!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

My dad now!!

My father fell off a ladder 4 weeks ago and got a bad infection in his leg. He is living with us for the next few months so we can help take care of him while his wounds start to heal up. These pictures are pretty nasty. I posted these mainly for you Lace!!!

Sunday, January 10, 2010


Day 8
Day 8
Day 4

My father fell of a ladder last Monday and shattered his heel bone. I had to capture a picture a few days ago thinking this was at its worst. Little did we know it has gotten a lot worse then this.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

McCleve Christmas Party

Every year we get together with my dad's side of the family of whom we don't see but at this party every year. Santa comes and visits the kids and each kid takes turns sitting on his lap. I have been so spoiled to have a sister who is amazing at taking pictures and if you ever find Tracey she is behind the camera. I don't even have to take my camera out with me anywhere she will be. She does not miss a beat. Thanks so much for getting all my kids. Tate was not around so he did not get in any of the photos.

All of my sisters
Me, Macey, Em bug and Tay

Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Morning

We woke up and had the kids stay up stairs while we went to turn on Christmas music and get the camera. The kids came down and found a bike for Roc, pink car for Miley, baseball pitching net for Jett, blocks for Tate, and uggs for Macey. We then opened stockings and presents. We had been done for about 30 minutes when Macey came screaming into us that Santa had left a trampoline. We all ran outside and sure enough there was one set up in the backyard. We had such a great day hanging out with our family.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Christmas photos 09

We had our pictures done this year with Dan and Steph's family. We really had a good time. Ashley Madsen did them for us and did a really nice job. These are just a few of what she captured. Macey and Jett are so lucky to have such great cousins surrounding them.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Happy 3rd Birthday

Tate had such a great day. We made him breakfast in bed which has become a tradition in our family. He had his favorite cousins over for a little party and played some games for prizes. I made him a Christmas tree cake since his birthday falls on December 21st. I can't believe how grown up he is. He has become such a sweet little guy and makes me smile all the time. We were worried for the first 2 years of his life that he was going to be a difficult one. We love you so much Tate!!