Friday, October 9, 2009

Conference weekend

Fall break for our school this year fell on conference weekend so we decided to take the kids to Utah and play for a week. We had such a great time hanging out with the kiddos with no tv and internet. It is amazing how much time we spent together and how many games we played as a family. We really enjoyed taking Macey( for her first time) to Saturday and Sunday afternoon sessions of cenference. She really enjoyed it and wanted to go again on Sunday.

we went to dinner with our good friends Frank and Jaime Caliendo. We sure love you guys!!!
getting a quick picture in Park City in front of the Simas's condo
the kids loved the coaster ride
Jett was mad because Macey got to go first
Discovery Gateway Museum
The kids spent 4 hours at this museum and here they are performing a play for us
Rock climbing

Macey playing cashier


Anonymous said...

Cute pics. Sounds like a blast!

A day in the life of the Campbell's said...

How fun. I'm glad you got to see the Caliendo's. How are they? I love the picture of Jett's pouty face! Priceless!