Thursday, November 1, 2007

Trick or Treat

Well here it goes!!! I know you look at the picture of my 3 kids and think oh, how cute. Well it's funny what pictures can do for a family. My kids were faking it really well(ha ha) Roc begged to be a ninja turtle for Halloween that he refused to wear for the past 3 Halloween parties we went to. I wanted a cute picture before we all went trick or treating. He finally would wear it because we told him that was the only way he could trick or treat. Macey had lost part of her costume which she could not figure out why I cared so much because she didn't. I know everyone reading this relates completely. It reminds me of when you see all the cute family pictures at Christmas and we think what a cute family, but we missed the hours before preparing for the pictures. I would love to be a fly on every ones wall. Then there is Mason saying Halloween in suppose to be fun just relax. We ended up having a great time as soon as I just let everything go. I know I've chilled out a lot when I don't even bother to put Tate in the picture. When I had my first , second and even my third I could not wait to find them a costume. This year when anyone would ask what Tate is going to be I would say "Tate! I will be lucky to get my others ready. Mason was a fat personal trainer and I dressed up in black and painted my face black (I just thought it would be fun to have a black face-random)I did get festive and we put black roll of paper around my whole coutryard with luminaries. We made dry ice smoke


Tiffany said...

look at you all into halloween! I am so impressed! your house looks so good! I get what your saying about the costume thing! Ava was so grumpy today from too much candy and NO sleep. I've been asking myself if it was worth letting her eat all that candy?!!!!

Tracey said...

I totally relate to your night!!! Especially the part when Mason tells you to relax... this is suppose to be FUN!!! There is nothing fun about trying to get your kids to do something they dont want to do. Cannon only wore the glasses for the pictures you saw. I told him also, "NO glasses.....NO candy" (not the whole night just for the picture) Anyhow, they all looked adorable. Where are the pictures of you & Mason?

AudyCamp said...

that is so funny about Roc..yea I thought he was SO excited to be ninja turtle...silly kids! Your yard looked great!

A day in the life of the Campbell's said...

FUN! I always wanted to do a haunted house thing like your courtyard but we never do. I'm sure they all had fun. Trenton would've loved going with Jett.

Bethany said...

your kids are so big, wow! your house looks nice and scary, good job!

Lacey said...

carrie, oh my gosh they all look adorable!!!!! i wore macey's exact dress one year, actually i believe that is mine haha. that is sooo funny mason dressed up as a fat personal trainer i started cracking up. loveyou sister

Anonymous said...

LOL...too funny....totally don't care half as much as their parents about their costumes. Two of my boys only wore half of the costume because it got in the way of collecting candy..LOL! They look the decorations...what a cool mom!

Jen-ben said...

Carrie, your kids are SO BIG! Oh my gosh, time flys by doesn't it! Hope you guys are doing fabulous!