Sunday, January 10, 2010


Day 8
Day 8
Day 4

My father fell of a ladder last Monday and shattered his heel bone. I had to capture a picture a few days ago thinking this was at its worst. Little did we know it has gotten a lot worse then this.


Tracey said...

Okay..... that looks so painful! Poor Ron. I hear you have your hands full over there?!

Heather Jeppsen said...

That's gross. Hope it heals fast.

Anonymous said...

Wow...I am speechless. That looks SO painful!

Tracey said...

Oh my gosh Carrie. Poor Ron! IT makes me want to cry just looking at it. At least he has you helping him out right now. So sad.

Tiffany said...

whoops! Sorry that me... tiff!!

Ashlyn said...

Oh my gosh poor Ron. That looks horrible. Can he walk? I heard you have your hands full too, good luck with homeschooling and taking care of him!?

Ashlyn said...

Oh my gosh poor Ron. That looks horrible. Can he walk? I heard you have your hands full too, good luck with homeschooling and taking care of him!?