I sure love Halloween and wish we could enjoy it a little bit longer. The kids and I really took advantage of this month and did a lot of fun things. This month we were so busy I really don't know where October went.
I had family come over on Halloween for some yummy chili and bread. We made home made root beer and hung out outside as trick or treaters came by. Uncle Tim, Uncel Brian, Dad and Grandpa Ron took all the kids around the neighborhood. They had such a blast with all their cousins. Roc and Macey decided at the end of the night they did not want their candy so they both dumped their candy into Spencer's bag. I was sure excited to get rid of it!(sorry Audra)
3 generations, WOW my grandma looks good (91)
Nat and Macey as Harajuku girls
You can see on the right the candy Roc wanted and on the left is the candy he wanted to get rid of. ( Notice the apple in hand)
sorting out all their candy into piles
my sweet little kitten
spider man, optimus prime, pirate, harajuku, cat
This could not be a bmore fitting picture for her costume
My friend told Roc he looked cute in his costume the day of his school halloween party and with out him saying a word he went up stairs took off his costume and would not dress up. I don't think cute was the word he was looking for in his "Optimus Prime" Costume. I was shocked it affected him that bad!!
I had to throw in some decor